diumenge, 1 de maig del 2016

¿Renace la Europa reformista?

POLITICO.- Recent debates over Europe’s future are permeated by a sense of impending doom. The eurozone is an economic basket case, we’re told. The Continent is flooded with Muslim asylum-seekers, and inept political elites are about to be replaced by political extremists.

There are good reasons to be concerned about the Continent’s future. But the claims of an imminent catastrophe in Europe are greatly exaggerated. For one, the eurozone is growing, albeit at a modest rate of 1.5 percent. Refugees are arriving at a lower rate than they were last year. And while the likes of the National Front, Alternative for Germany (AfD), or Hungary’s Jobbik, have indeed captured the imaginations of some segments of the European electorate, they are far from commanding anything close to popular majorities.

As Europe slowly but surely runs out of options, the tendency will be toward a revival of thoughtful reformist thinking and leadership.
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El momento Macron
POLITICO.- After dabbling with French left-leaning think tanks, Macron met Hollande through friends in 2006 and started working with him four years later. Meanwhile he had joined Rothschild, the advisory bank — a move that eventually made him a millionaire but now provides fodder for the far left and part of the Socialist Party to sneer at the “banker” who won’t ever feel real people’s pain.

Ferracci remembers that his choice at the time surprised some of his friends. “Tantamount for him was financial independence. That was key. We talked about it, some of us may have told him that it might be a drag on a future political career, but he wanted independence and freedom.”

He didn’t lose contact with Hollande, and during the 2012 presidential campaign started coordinating the work of a group of economists who wrote papers for the Socialist candidate. Hollande, once elected, made Macron his top economic adviser, and a deputy chief of staff.
'Esto es Cuba sin sol'
Four years later Macron is unsparing in his assessment of Hollande’s then-platform and the way it evolved. His goal, he told me, is that the same mistakes — he used a stronger word — aren’t repeated next year. When Hollande, in the heat of the campaign, made the surprise announcement that he wanted to tax income above €1 million a year at a 75 percent rate, Macron was heard to quip: “It’s Cuba, without the sun.”
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Sondeos electorales de hoy: la amenzante suma de Podemos e IU y la subida de la abstención

La suma de Podemos e Izquierda Unida arrebataría al PSOE el liderazgo de la izquierda
EL PAÍS.- El deseado sorpasso, adelantar al PSOE en número de votos, está a la vuelta de la esquina. La unión de Podemos con Izquierda Unida para acudir juntos a las urnas el próximo 26-J obtendrá más votos que los socialistas, según la encuesta de Metroscopia para EL PAÍS que el diario publicará íntegramente este domingo.
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PP y C´s rozarían la mayoría absoluta si IU y Podemos no se alían
ABC.- Consumado el fracaso político para investir un presidente del Gobierno, el Rey disolverá este martes las Cortes y convocará elecciones el 26 de junio. La gran novedad en el nuevo tablero político puede ser la coalición electoral de Podemos e Izquierda Unida, que están negociando para unir sus fuerzas e intentar superar al PSOE en las urnas. ¿Lo conseguirán? Están muy lejos de ello, según la última encuesta de GAD3 para ABC, realizada entre los días 26 y 29 de abril. Su coalición lograría en este momento 68 diputados, frente a los 94 que obtendría el PSOE, suficiente para obstaculizar la formación de un Gobierno estable en España.
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Peligro de abstención
EL PERIÓDICO.- La participación en las elecciones del 20 de diciembre no fue precisamente para tirar cohetes, pero es que la del 26 de junio corre el riesgo de batir todos los récords negativos. En los comicios al Congreso de hace cuatro meses votaron el 69,67% de electores. Fue la cuarta cifra más baja de las 12 convocatorias que se han celebrado desde 1977. Múltiples factores pueden causar una abstención aún mayor de aquí a dos meses si los partidos no se ponen las pilas para animar a la ciudadanía.
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El aumento de la abstención apuntala la victoria del PP el 26-J

EL PAÍS.- Será una victoria por agotamiento. El largo y frustrante proceso de negociaciones y bloqueo político ha producido en el electorado una sensación de hartazgo que se traducirá el próximo 26-J en una menor participación. La encuesta de Metroscopia elaborada para EL PAÍS pronostica que acudirá a las urnas un 70% de los votantes, 3,2 puntos menos que en diciembre. El PP se mantiene como primera fuerza. El PSOE y Podemos retroceden. Solo dos partidos ven recompensada su actitud durante este tiempo, Ciudadanos e IU, que crecen en apoyos.

Primero de Mayo: el ocaso del poder sindical

EL CONFIDENCIAL.- No se trata de un asunto nuevo. Y es probable que no se aborde a corto plazo con la atención que requiere. Pero el debate sobre la necesidad de una sola central sindical que agrupe a CCOO y UGT -también a USO- se abre camino. Sin duda, por una cuestión de supervivencia. Si nada cambia, hay razones para pensar que el Primero de Mayo que hoy se celebra acabe siendo una reliquia destinada a ser estudiada en los libros de historia. CARLOS SÁNCHEZ
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CC OO y UGT cobran casi tres millones de euros por 82.000 delegados «fantasma»
LA RAZÓN.- En concreto, unos 82.000 delegados «fantasma» que no tienen ninguna representatividad ni ocupación porque simplemente las empresas en las que fueron elegidos ya no existen. La ecuación resulta sencilla. Entre los años 2011 y 2015, nuestro país perdió algo menos de 50.000 empresas. Sin embargo, los delegados sindicales elegidos en las empresas extinguidas siguen «vivos», inscritos en el registro del Ministerio de Empleo hasta que se cumplan los cuatro años de plazo de su función y sean «eliminados» automáticamente ante la celebración de nuevas elecciones sindicales. En otras palabras, aunque no exista empresa activa, continúan ejerciendo como si la hubiera.
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El uso de biodiesel ha disparado las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en la UE

TELEGRAPH.- The use of supposedly 'green' biodiesel to hit EU renewable energy targets has actually significantly increased greenhouse gas emissions, a new study finds.

By 2020, continued use of biodiesel derived from vegetable oil will increase total EU transport emissions by almost four per cent compared with using its fossil fuel alternative, according to analysis by Transport & Environment, a green group.

That is roughly equivalent to putting an extra 12 million cars to the road, it says.

Countries across Europe have blended small percentages of biofuels into petrol and diesel in recent years in an attempt to cut emissions and to hit the EU's renewable energy directive (RED), which requires 10 per cent of transport energy to come from renewable sources by 2020. EMILY GOSDEN, energy editor

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La producción de etanol de maíz para combustible 'limpio' es un desastre ambiental

EWG.-Production of corn ethanol has led growers to plow up of millions of acres of prairie grassland and wetlands to plant more corn. By the Environmental Protection Agency’s own definition, this means that corn ethanol is not a renewable fuel.

A recent study by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture shows that native prairie habitats located close to corn ethanol-producing facilities are being destroyed to grow more corn. This conversion of vulnerable land to grow corn for ethanol not only breaks the law, it’s an environmental disaster.

The 2007 Renewable Fuel Standard, the federal mandate that requires that corn ethanol be blended into gasoline, strictly prohibited destruction of the landscape to grow more corn. The EPA, which enforces the standard, required that for corn to be considered a “renewable fuel,” it could not be grown on previously uncultivated land. In other words, the ethanol industry was prohibited from using corn from recently destroyed prairies and wetlands.

But that’s exactly what’s happening, research shows...

EMILY CASSIDY, Research Analyst
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La industria nuclear mundial tuvo en 2015 su mejor año en décadas

THE BREAK THROUGH.- Last year the success of wind and solar power made headlines as installations of new turbines and PV panels soared. Meanwhile, “nuclear is dead” think pieces mushroomed in the press as old plants closed and new projects floundered in delays and cost over-runs.

But while the “rise of renewables” is indeed reason to celebrate, the “death of nuclear” storyline has been greatly exaggerated. Far from being moribund, in 2015 the global nuclear sector quietly had its best year in decades. New reactors came on line that will generate as much low-carbon electricity as last year’s crops of new wind turbines or solar panels. The cost of building those reactors was less than one third the cost of building the wind turbines and solar panels, and typical construction times were under 6 years. The conventional wisdom that nuclear projects must be decade-long, budget-busting melodramas proved starkly wrong last year. In crucial respects the nuclear renaissance has hit its stride and is making a fundamental contribution to decarbonization—one that will accelerate if the industry gets recognition and support for what it is doing right. WILL BOISVERT
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