diumenge, 22 de maig del 2016

Grecia aprueba una devastadora subida de impuestos

BLOOMBERG.- After legislating fiscal measures equal to 1.7 percent of Greek GDP in 2015, coalition lawmakers approved another 3 percent of GDP in tax increases and pension cuts this month, as well as an additional 2 percent of GDP in contingency measures to be triggered only if the country misses certain budget targets. Sunday’s package included among other things: 
  • An increase in the standard sales tax rate to 24 percent from 23 percent, while the bill abolished VAT discounts for some of the nation’s islands. 
  • The introduction of taxes on coffee, e-cigarettes, fixed telephony, pay TV, and hotel occupancy, as well as the amendment of property taxes. 
  • Tax increases in heating oil, gasoline, diesel, car registration, gambling, luxury goods, alcohol, and investment vehicles.
  • Cuts in social benefits for low-income pensioners.
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Mujeres iraníes se rebelan contra el hijab

INDEPENDENT.- Women in Iran are cutting their hair short and dressing as men in a bid to bypass state 'morality' police who rigorously enforce penalties for not wearing a hijab.

A number of women have shared photos of themselves in public with their hair uncovered on Instagram and other social media.

The women have cut their hair short in some images and in others are dressed in clothes more typically associated with men.

The hijab is becoming an increasingly contentious issue in Iran as women step up their campaign against it and other oppressive, gendered laws.
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En los últimos meses, mujeres activistas se han filmado caminando a través de Teherán con el pelo descubierto y han instado a las turistas occidentales a negarse a llevar el hijab durante sus visitas a la República Islámica.
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Los delitos sexuales cometidos por mujeres alcanzan un máximo histórico

DAILY STAR SUNDAY.- Alarming figures uncovered in a Daily Star Sunday investigation reveal offences by females have rocketed in five years.

Greater Manchester Police has seen a 270% rise.

The figures from the Metropolitan Police have also more than doubled.

The Met revealed that 235 sexual offences were committed by females in 2011 to 2012, soaring to 473 by 2015 to 2016.

Greater Manchester Police saw the number of crimes rise from 45 to 174 over the same period.

The statistics, released under the Freedom of Information Act, include all types of sex crimes – from indecent exposure to sexually abusing someone with a mental disorder.
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El PP se consolida y Unidos Podemos supera al PSOE

EL PAÍS.- Con el giro estratégico de última hora que ha supuesto la coalición con Izquierda Unida, Podemos no solo logra remontar el desgaste de imagen que le han provocado meses de bloqueo político. Sale incluso ganando, según la encuesta elaborada por Metroscopia para EL PAÍS. La nueva alianza de izquierdas logra desplazar a los socialistas de la segunda posición y les aventaja en tres puntos. El Partido Popular obtiene rendimiento de la inacción de Rajoy y se consolida como primera fuerza, con más apoyo incluso que el que obtuvo el 20-D.
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El ISIS exhibe apoyo en Europa a través de Twitter

BELL¿NGACAT.- On Saturday, numerous supporters of ISIS posted pictures on social media from major European cities, displaying messages of support for the group. This social media campaign was in support of an imminent speech from ISIS spokesperson Abu Mohammed al-Adnani. In these photographs, backgrounds of various European cities can be seen, with the intention of, as described by Sheera Frankel of BuzzFeed News World, “instill[ing] fear by showing that the group had supporters in major European cities.” As noted by J.M. Berger, this was the “first time in months that the ISIS social media team has come out in force to push a release,” and that the ISIS “fanboys” felt accomplished in getting their hashtag to tweet.

However, these photographs revealed the exact locations of the ISIS supporters in their photographs, in some cases even exposing their home addresses. Numerous Twitter users crowdsourced the geolocation of these photographs throughout the day on Saturday, eventually pinpointing the locations of several photographs shared by ISIS supporters.

Noticias de mi pueblo

Spotify mide la popularidad de las viejas canciones

POLYGRAPH.- Until recently, it was impossible to measure the popularity of older music. Billboard charts and album sales only tell us about a song’s popularity at the time of its release.

But now we have Spotify, a buffet of all of music, new and old. Tracks with fewer plays are fading into obscurity. And those with more plays are remaining in the cultural ether.

20 years have passed since No Diggity's release. Its popularity on Spotify, relative to every other song from the 90s, is a strong signal for whether it will be remembered by our children’s children. So let's examine every song that ever charted, 1990 - 1999, and rank them by number of plays on Spotify, today.| Mat Daniels
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