diumenge, 19 de juny del 2016

Moscú ha doblado el número de espías en Europa desde el fin de la guerra fría

One June night in 2010, Henry Frith asked the son of his live-in partner for a lift to Madrid airport early the next morning.

Frith didn’t say where he was flying to. He rarely did when Alejandro Valdezate Sánchez regularly drove him to Madrid Barajas international airport for one of his many business trips.

The next day, agents from the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia, the Spanish security service, came to Valdezate’s home to interview him. The conversation was calm and courteous, but one thing soon became clear to Valdezate: Frith wouldn’t be coming back. He never did.

A stocky, 50-something man with a bushy moustache, Frith had for almost two decades led a seemingly normal madrileño life. He ran Frimor Consultores, which presented itself as a “high value, reliable consultancy and business services company” specialized in “socio-economic studies.” Frith traveled frequently for business, mostly to Central Europe, sometimes as far away as Chile.

He had friends and liked a drink. Frith spoke Spanish with a slight accent, which he attributed to his mixed upbringing, having been born in Ecuador to an Ecuadorian mother and a father from New Zealand.

So he said.

According to Western intelligence sources, the industrious life of a busy, frequent-flying Spanish consultant was a front.

Frith, they say, was born Sergey Yuryevich Cherepanov in Russia in 1955 — two years before his alleged birth in Ecuador. Back in Moscow, Cherepanov had a wife, Olga Konstantinova Cherepanova, and a son, Andrei. During all the years he spent in Spain, he served as an officer in the SVR, the Russian foreign security services.

“Henry Frith,” these sources allege, was an alias for a Russian spy, a so-called “illegal” who lived for years under a carefully constructed “legend” — a false identity, complete with a fake history and background. He is the first “illegal” to have been uncovered and publicly named in Europe since the end of the Cold War.

There are, they say, others like him on the Continent.

This story is based on interviews with European intelligence sources — including those directly involved in the case — documents and photographs reviewed by POLITICO, as well as people who knew Frith/Cherepanov in Madrid.

As relations between Moscow and the West have gone from guarded cooperation to hostile defiance under Russian President Vladimir Putin, a former KGB head, the scope of intelligence activities, and the number of Russian spies operating in Europe, has “roughly doubled,” according to the former head of a major European power’s intelligence service, who added that in such matters, “estimates are by definition difficult.” The spy chief, who was still on active duty back in 2010, said he hadn’t heard of the Frith/Cherepanov case.

Hacer de verdades mentira y de mentiras verdad

Carta abierta de ciudadanos griegos por el Brexit

Dear British voters,

United Kingdom joined the European Community in 1973 and it is worth to mention that the people have not been asked prior signing the membership agreement. Only two years later, in 1975 you decided in a referendum if you want to stay in the European Community, which was approved by 66 percent of the voters.

The basic idea, as it was explained to the people in Europe, was a community of European nations in friendship, solidarity, mutual benefit and democracy: Basic European Values.

Unfortunately, these inviting promises proved to be false or failed. There is nothing about freedom, solidarity or friendship in the European Union. The European Union has proven to act on behalf of the interest of banks, multi-national enterprises and groups in the shadow, as advised by professional think-tanks and lobbyists, not in favor of its people. In fact, the European Union is an economic union with a common market (without internal borders) which enables a free circulation of money, goods and people/workforce, and an ongoing process to harmonize business standards. The European Union is designed as a cartel and typically, there is a lack of democratic structures and processes: democracy becomes a disturbing factor.

Democracy, and especially direct democracy, is against any fiber of this European Union

The peoples’ vote got lost in the bureaucracy of the European Union. The European Union is driven by technocrats and an agenda which will lead to the United States of Europe shortly, the loss of the national sovereignty and identity of the European countries. The national parliaments have already delegated to a large extend their responsibilities and sovereignty to the European Institutions and consequently the national voting becomes more and more irrelevant.

The European Parliament, the only institution in the European Union the people voted for, has a more or less decorative function, it cannot legislate as we know it from national parliaments. The European Commission, which is in fact the European government, is not elected. It consists of delegates from the national governments. As Horst Seehofer - Prime Minister of Bavaria - put it: Those who are elected do not decide and those who decide are not elected.

European Union has a track history of ignoring the vote of the people. Referenda are only welcome if they approve the official policy of the European Union. If the people didn’t vote as requested, the governments used to arrange an information campaign and repeat the referendum until the outcome is convenient or the referendum result is ignored or twisted.

Denmark voted in the referendum in June 1992 against the Maastricht treaty, the re-negotiated version was approved in a second referendum in May 1993. In 2001 Irish voters rejected the Treaty of Nice, in a second referendum 2002 it was approved.

France voted in May 2005 against the proposed European Constitution. Referenda would have also to be held in Czech, Denmark, Ireland, Poland, Portugal and the UK. As the risk of more refusals was too high, the European Union decided to modify the text and sign them as treaty by the national governments, this is what we have today as Treaty of Lisbon.

We, the Greek people, voted in July 2015 against further austerity measures required by the Troika, and our vote was ignored. Prior the referendum even highest officials of the European Union warned the Greek people not to vote NO as this would lead to a Grexit, even this is not ruled in the European treaties.

In March 2016, the European Union signed a deal with Turkey on the migration crisis. Part of the deal is that the European Union takes over a quota of migrants and distributes them by a defined key within the European countries. Hungary has announced to hold a referendum on the enforced migration, this referendum was condemned as an undemocratic measure.

Some time ago, the Dutch people voted in a referendum against the EU-Ukraine agreement. EU officials mentioned in several interviews, that obviously referenda are dangerous and a threat against the European Union. Truly, referenda are dangerous to today’s E.U., but not dangerous to the people of Europe. In the meantime, there are serious discussions to prohibit referenda within the European Union in general in order to avoid further conflicts.

Even in Switzerland, the country with the most enhanced practice of referenda, the politicians fear more than anything else the vote of the people, as it may destroy their plans in case the people do not vote as they recommend them.

The European Alliance stop-TTIP is an initiative of more than 500 organizations all over Europe and has collected more than 3.4 million signatures in order to stop TTIP and CETA. Those agreements are considered as a threat to democracy, environment, consumers and labour standards. But the European Commission ignores them…

Dear friends of democracy in the UK,

We want to express our solidarity as we know that you have to take a historical decision for your country and for your people, as we did last summer.

On 23rd June 2016 you will have to decide in a referendum on the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union. A referendum is a direct democratic element, the highest expression of the peoples will, a privilege and a rare opportunity in the European Union.

You have now the historical chance to mark your national independence day and stop the further transformation of Europe into a European dictatorship.

Democracy is the key to freedom, peace and prosperity; it protects human rights and ensures respect and tolerance. Our thoughts are with you, we send you best wishes from Greece for a democratic voting,

* * *
List of Greek political parties, entities and persons signing the Open Letter to the UK citizens

Todos los últimos sondeos antes del 26-J:
Coinciden en la segunda posición para Unidos Podemos y discrepan en la amplitud de la victoria del PP

Sondeo Metroscopia para El País

EL PAÍS.- La irrupción en escena de Unidos Podemos, la coalición electoral pactada entre Pablo Iglesias y el líder de IU, Alberto Garzón, puede tener efectos más allá de alterar el equilibrio de fuerzas entre la izquierda. La masa crítica de votos que acumula, un 26% según el sondeo preelectoral de Metroscopia realizado para EL PAÍS, le permite rebañar restos en muchas circunscripciones y aumentar considerablemente sus escaños. No solo supera al PSOE como segunda fuerza. Debilita al PP y a Ciudadanos, que con porcentajes similares o superiores a los del 20-D pierden diputados. El bloque de izquierdas, en unas elecciones marcadas por la polarización, sale reforzado: Unidos Podemos y los socialistas rozarían juntos la mayoría absoluta.

La estrategia del desempate, impulsada por el PP y Unidos Podemos al ningunear al PSOE y a Ciudadanos y presentar estas elecciones como una batalla entre dos extremos, solo parece haber beneficiado a la formación de Pablo Iglesias. El Partido Popular sigue siendo la fuerza más votada según el sondeo de Metroscopia (29%), pero con un porcentaje de votos prácticamente idéntico al del 20-D (28,7%). Una victoria pírrica, a tenor de la estimación de escaños que se le atribuye: 114, nueve menos que los que obtuvo en diciembre.
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El partido de Rajoy crece tres puntos en dos semanas y rompe su techo del 20D / PP y Ciudadanos tienen un 40% de posibilidades de llegar a 170 escaños mientras que Podemos y PSOE sólo un 30%.

Sólo la coalición PP-PSOE suma los votos suficientes para formar gobierno [El Mundo]


Los pactos volverán a ser imprescindibles, pero para romper el bloqueo político que se vive en España desde hace seis meses algún partido tendré que cambiar su postura. Así se refleja en la última encuesta de GAD3 para ABC, en la que el PP supera la barrera del 30 por ciento en estimación de voto. Esa subida, sin embargo, no se traduce en más escaños por la participación de la coalición Unidos Podemos, que se consolida en la segunda posición ante un PSOE a la baja y un Ciudadanos estancado en votos y escaños.
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Las líneas rojas de los votantes dejan como único pacto deseado el del Partido Popular con Ciudadanos

EL CONFIDENCIAL.- El pacto preferido por el 88% de los votantes populares es con Ciudadanos, una fórmula que también abrazan mayoritariamente los electores de la formación naranja (62%), según los resultados de la encuesta DYM elaborada para el El Confidencial.

La primera opción para los votantes socialistas es también Ciudadanos (61%), mientras que el apoyo para una reedición del pacto con el PSOE se reduce al 58%, cuatro puntos menos de los que se inclinan por pactar con el Partido Popular. La alianza preferida por los votantes del PSOE no coincide por tanto con la de los votantes de Ciudadanos.

En el caso de los electores que tienen intención de votar a Unidos Podemos, la alianza ideal a la que aspiran es con el PSOE. El 86% de ellos consideran a los socialistas como la principal y casi única referencia para pactar. En cambio, solo el 43% de los votantes socialistas se inclinan por esta opción, por detrás de Ciudadanos (61%). Entre los votantes de Unidos Podemos la segunda opción más valorada es la de los partidos nacionalistas (36%). Uno de cada dos votantes del PP incluso aceptaría un pacto de Gobierno con el PSOE, mientras que esta fórmula solo la abrazaría el 17% de los electores socialistas. El apoyo de Pedro Sánchez en las fuerzas nacionalistas para poder gobernar se reduce al 13%. El juego de las alianzas se complica así por la falta de coincidencias entre los electores de las distintas formaciones, a excepción del caso PP-Ciudadanos.
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La rebelión de los alcaldes convergentes contra Mas