A más socialismo más hambre

Puente Internacional de Cúcuta. Decenas de miles de venezolanos cruzan a Colombia para poder comer. El fracaso del socialismo, se apellide como se apellide, se repite. Los ciudadanos salen de país número 176, sin casi libertad económica, para entrar en el país número 28, con una mejor economía de mercado. Dos fotos que dejan en papel mojado los interminables tratados de la utopía colectivista.

18 de julio

'El crimen de la transición sucedió en Atocha. Los abogados eran comunistas como yo y era imposible deslindar su asesinato, en aquel Madrid, del asesinato del teniente Castillo. Sin embargo, el Partido Comunista conocía la muerte, y no de oídas, y no hubo luego un Calvo Sotelo'
Memoria del terror | Arcadi Espada

Los bebés de tan sólo 9 meses de edad ya prefieren jugar con juguetes específicos para su género

SCIENCE DAILY.- Children as young as 9 months-old prefer to play with toys specific to their own gender, according to a new study from academics at City University London and UCL.

The paper, which is published in the journal of Infant and Child Development, shows that in a familiar nursery environment significant sex differences were evident at an earlier age than gendered identity is usually demonstrated.

The research therefore suggests the possibility that boys and girls follow different developmental trajectories with respect to selection of gender-typed toys and that there is both a biological and a developmental-environmental components to the sex differences seen in object preferences.

To investigate the gender preferences seen with toys, the researchers observed the toy preferences of boys and girls engaged in independent play in UK nurseries, without the presence of a parent. The toys used in the study were a doll, a pink teddy bear and a cooking pot for girls, while for boys a car, a blue teddy, a digger and a ball were used.

The 101 boys and girls fell into three age groups: 9 to 17 months, when infants can first demonstrate toy preferences in independent play (N=40); 18 to 23 months, when critical advances in gender knowledge occur (N=29); and 24 to 32 months, when knowledge becomes further established (N=32).

Stereotypical toy preferences were found for boys and girls in each of the age groups, demonstrating that sex differences in toy preference appear early in development. Both boys and girls showed a trend for an increasing preference with age for toys stereotyped for boys.