"La principal virtud de la democracia es que deja obsoleta la revolución"
"La revolución consiste en imponer tu fantasía política a todos los demás"
"Los científicos deberían ir a donde les lleve su ciencia, no sus ideas políticas"
"Pensar suele reducirse a inventar razones para dudar de lo evidente"
"No es una de las dos Españas la que nos hiela el corazón, sino la atroz semejanza entre quienes creen que hay dos"
"Que PSOE, Podemos o ERC deseen que se vote a los 16 –la edad de consentimiento sexual, casualmente– comporta una rendición: la de quien confía muy poco en su capacidad para seducir a mentes adultas y ha de conformarse con excitar los humores del parvulario. No es que un español de 18 años sea ya un Hegel, pero por eso el debate debería plantearse en torno a la conveniencia de elevar la edad del votante, no de rebajarla más. A no ser, claro, que se persiga justamente rapiñar los sufragios acneicos de ciudadanos en ciernes que todavía tienen que aprender a coser el esfuerzo al placer, la responsabilidad a la utopía y los deberes a los derechos. Ya advirtió Sócrates de que la democracia degenera en un tribunal de niños que juzga a un médico acusado por un pastelero: adivina, oh Gorgias, quién resultará absuelto. Y quién será forzado a dimitir a base de cicuta."
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USA TODAY.- On this Earth Day 2016, there is a great deal of frenzy about how our Earth is going to become uninhabitable, as the civilized activities of man allegedly trigger unstoppable global warming and climate change.
With the Obama administration set to commit the U.S. to the Paris climate agreement by signing our nation onto the document Friday, it is obvious that science has taken a back seat at the United Nations.
The environmentalists, bureaucrats and politicians who make up the U.N.’s climate panel recruit scientists to research the climate issue. And they place only those who will produce the desired results. Money, politics and ideology have replaced science.
U.N. climate chief Christiana Figueres has called for a “centralized transformation” that is “going to make the life of everyone on the planet very different” to combat the alleged global warming threat. How many Americans are looking forward to the U.N. transforming their lives?
Another U.N. official has admitted that the U.N. seeks to “redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.” The former head of the U.N. climate panel also recently declared that global warming “is my religion.”
When all the scare talk is pushed aside, it is the science that should be the basis for the debate. And the hard cold truth is that the basic theory has failed. Many notable scientists reject man-made global warming fears. And several of them, including a Nobel Prize winner, are in the new Climate Hustle movie. The film is an informative and even humorous new feature length movie that is the ultimate answer to Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth. It will be shown one day only in theaters nationwide on May 2.
As a skeptic of man-made global warming, I love our environment as much as anyone. I share the deepest commitment to protecting our planet for our children and grandchildren. However, I desperately want to get politics out of the climate debate. The Paris climate agreement is all about empowering the U.N. and has nothing to do with the climate. / JOHN COLEMAN
During an interview with a female reporter from the TV4 broadcaster on Tuesday, Yasri Khan placed his hand over his heart instead of shaking her hand in greeting.Más...
"People can greet each other in different ways. The most important thing is to show respect by seeing each other, to meet each other… to respect each other," Khan said during an interview with state broadcaster Swedish Radio.
Khan, also the general secretary of the organization Swedish Muslims for Peace and Justice, has faced strong criticism from within his party since the incident.
"It is unacceptable. You can't have a man in the party who can't greet women in the same way you greet a man. I'm upset," Stina Bergström, a Green Party parliamentarian, told Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet.
In interviews with Swedish media, Khan lashed out at his critics and said that the debate, and his fellow Muslim Green Party member Mehmet Kaplan's resignation, had caused him to run out of energy.
"Fuga de cerebros es un término politizado y con mucho impacto mediático. Nosotros queremos ponerlo en cuestión y entender que los españoles, cuando salen fuera de su país, se organizan en redes académicas y profesionales que repercuten sobre España", explica Pérez RamosSeguir leyendo...
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