dijous, 28 d’abril del 2016

Los biocarburantes emiten más CO2 que la gasolina y el diesel

LE MONDE.- Apparus d’abord comme une alternative prometteuse au pétrole dans les transports, les biocarburants (ou agrocarburants) sont de plus en plus épinglés en raison de leurs effets pervers : déforestation, disparition de cultures vivrières, augmentation des prix des denrées alimentaires… mais aussi émissions de gaz à effet de serre.

Une étude de l’ONG européenne Transport & Environnement (T & E), publiée le 25 avril, estime ainsi que les biocarburants, loin d’être vertueux pour le climat, émettent en fait plus de gaz à effet de serre que les combustibles fossiles (essence ou diesel). L’association s’appuie sur une vaste étude commandée par la Commission européenne et publiée en mars, qui présente un nouveau bilan des impacts des agrocarburants, en termes d’émissions et de surfaces cultivées, à l’horizon 2020.

A cette date, en Europe, 5 % de biodiesel en moyenne sera incorporé dans 1 litre de diesel. Or, selon l’étude, 1 litre de biodiesel émet 80 % d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre de plus que 1 litre de diesel. Résultats : le biodiesel causera une hausse de 4 % des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) par rapport au scénario d’un diesel pur. Soit l’équivalent, selon T & E, de 12 millions de voitures supplémentaires sur les routes européennes.
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¿Cómo medir la prosperidad?

El PIB es un mal indicador de bienestar material. Tiempo para un nuevo enfoque
THE ECONOMIST.- Measuring prosperity better requires three changes. The easiest is to improve GDP as a gauge of production. Junking it altogether is no answer: GDP’s enduring appeal is that it offers, or seems to, a summary statistic that tells people how well an economy is doing. Instead, statisticians should improve how GDP data are collected and presented. To minimise revisions, they should rely more on tax records, internet searches and other troves of contemporaneous statistics, such as credit-card transactions, than on the standard surveys of businesses or consumers. Private firms are already showing the way—scraping vast quantities of prices from e-commerce sites to produce improved inflation data, for example.

Second, services-dominated rich countries should start to pioneer a new, broader annual measure, that would aim to capture production and living standards more accurately. This new metric—call it GDP-plus—would begin with a long-overdue conceptual change: the inclusion in GDP of unpaid work in the home, such as caring for relatives. GDP-plus would also measure changes in the quality of services by, for instance, recognising increased longevity in estimates of health care’s output. It would also take greater account of the benefits of brand-new products and of increased choice. And, ideally, it would be sliced up to reflect the actual spending patterns of people at the top, middle and bottom of the earnings scale: poorer people tend to spend more on goods than on Harvard tuition fees.
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Dos periodistas turcos condenados a 2 años de cárcel por reproducir una viñeta de Mahoma

AFP.- A Turkish court on Thursday sentenced two prominent Turkish journalists to two years behind bars for illustrating their columns with a controversial cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed published by French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, their lawyer said.

The sentence handed to the columnists for the opposition Cumhuriyet daily Hikmet Cetinkaya and Ceyda Karan -- which is still subject to appeal -- comes amid growing alarm over press freedoms in Turkey.

"The two journalists were sentenced to two years each in jail," said Bulent Utku, the lawyer of the pair. "But we will appeal the ruling at the appeals court," he told AFP.

Karan and Cetinkaya went on trial in January last year on charges of "inciting public hatred" and "insulting religious values" after illustrating their columns with the controversial cartoon.

Tener un montón de amigos es un analgésico mejor que la morfina

THE TELEGRAPH.- Having lots of friends can be ‘better than morphine’, new research suggests.

Scientists at Oxford University found people with large groups of friends have a higher tolerance for pain.

Experts looked into endorphins - the body's natural pain killers.

The chemical is a ‘potent analgesic, indeed more so than the pain-relieving opiate drug morphine’, the authors write in the journal Scientific Reports.

Chacón y Lozano plantan a Pedro Sánchez

EL ESPAÑOL.- En el caso de Lozano concurren razones personales. Quiere dedicarse a “proyectos profesionales”, pero lo cierto es que muy pocos la querían en el partido. Apenas hizo campaña electoral y en el Congreso su actividad ha sido más que discreta. Varios dirigentes le exigieron que pidera perdón por arremeter durante años contra el PSOE y muy pocos consideraban acertado que repitiese. Sánchez se equivocó una vez, según una opinión unánime en el partido, pero hacerlo dos veces sería demasiado grave.

Chacón: “Hay motivos políticos para marcharme pero no son relevantes"

Chacón ha renunciado por “motivos políticos” que ella no ha querido especificar pero 'que no son relevantes'. 'Para mí me los quedo', dijo ante el pasmo de los periodistas, que esperaban que explicase el roto que le hace a su partido a menos de dos meses de las elecciones.

Fuentes del PSOE lamentan las malas artes de la aún diputada. En Ferraz se recuerda que “en ningún momento descartó presentarse a las primarias contra Pedro” Sánchez, que quedarán convocadas el sábado. “Estuvo durante mes y medio mareando la perdiz”, añaden desde la dirección socialista.

Otras fuentes aseguran que la única intención de Chacón es la de resituarse en el partido y desmarcarse de Sánchez con una ‘espantá’ que puede hacer que empeore su resultado. No en vano, Chacón estaba considerada como un buen cartel electoral, es conocida por los catalanes y tiene peso electoral. “Es su forma de decir que no está de acuerdo con Sánchez”, explica un socialista. Más...

Disidentes: El precio de la discrepancia en la Cataluña nacionalista

E-NOTICIES.- Societat Civil Catalana ha presentado al público, en un acto celebrado en la Feria de Abril de Catalunya, el documental titulado “Disidentes. El precio de la discrepancia en la Catalunya nacionalista”, dirigido por Fran Jurado y producido por la entidad.

El documental critica, entre otras cosas, la relación entre los medios de comunicación y el nacionalismo. (...) El socialista Joan Ferran señala en este sentido que “Pujol llamaba a determinados redactores para que hicieran determinadas noticias en diarios de gran tirada”. Ferran recuerda que “hay un informe pagado por el Govern donde estaba la ficha de la mayoría de los profesionales de TV3, desde el señor Francino al señor Alsius, desde la señora Barceló al señor Pellicer, en los que se miraba la dicción en catalán pero también su afinidad a la ideología nacionalista”. 

'Tiene la inteligencia de un cenicero vacío'

El abogado belga de Salah Abdeslam, Sven María, explica la dificultad de garantizar la defensa de alguien al que considera un 'idiota'
LIBERATION.- Il ne cache d’ailleurs pas son mépris pour Abdeslam : «C’est un petit con de Molenbeek issu de la petite criminalité, plutôt un suiveur qu’un meneur. Il a l’intelligence d’un cendrier vide, il est d’une abyssale vacuité. Il est l’exemple parfait de la génération GTA [ Grand Theft Auto] qui croit vivre dans un jeu vidéo. Lui et ses copains ont réussi à rendre antipathique toute une religion. Je lui ai demandé s’il avait lu le Coran, ce que j’ai fait, et il m’a répondu qu’il avait lu son interprétation sur Internet. Pour des esprits simples, c’est parfait, le Net, c’est le maximum qu’ils puissent comprendre.»
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Hacienda se embolsa el 40% del sueldo de los trabajadores

LIBRE MERCADO.- 39,6%. Ése es el tax wedge de un trabajador soltero español que gane el equivalente al salario medio de nuestro país. Es decir, de lo que la empresa paga por tener a este español medio contratado, Hacienda se lleva casi el 40% antes de empezar a hablar. El reparto del palo fiscal al trabajo en España es el siguiente: 11,6% en impuestos directos (IRPF), 4,9% en Seguridad Social del empleado y 23,0% en Seguridad Social a cargo de la empresa. En total, 4 de cada diez euros que el trabajador nunca verá. Es un dato elevado que, además, destaca por tres motivos:

Es superior a la cifra que pagaba el español medio en el año 2000

Es casi cuatro puntos superior a la media de la OCDE (el club que agrupa a los países más ricos del planeta)

El neto que le queda a este empleado para sus gastos, una vez pagados estos impuestos, es bastante inferior a lo que le queda a los ciudadanos de otros países de la OCDE
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El fin de la 'edad de oro'

BUSINESS INSIDER.- The "golden age" of stock market returns is over.

That's the summary of a big piece of research from the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), which estimated returns over the next 20 years in US and Western European markets under two scenarios. The first assumes that today's slow-growth environment remains, while the second models faster growth as technology improves.

It concluded that in neither case would returns match those of the past 30 years. For US and European stocks, the difference between past and future annual returns could range from 1.5 percentage points to 4 percentage points. The gap for fixed-income could be even wider, between 3 and 5 percentage points for most countries, the report notes.

"What's surprising is that even if there's higher GDP growth, we find that returns in equity and bonds over the next 20 years would still be lower," Susan Lund, a partner at the institute and one of the coauthors of the report, told Business Insider.
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Clasificación de los estados miembros por su liderazgo e influencia en la UE

POLITICO.- Who really sways the room when European Union leaders meet behind the closed doors of a summit?

In the chart below, we’ve plotted which national leaders are effective at combining forces with their ambassadors to the EU, to ensure power and influence.

In this analysis of what one ambassador calls “the conveyer belt between Brussels and national capitals,” you can see the relative strength of a country’s leader and ambassador, where the country is ranked overall, and whether its trajectory in the matrix is positive, neutral or negative based on likely events in the coming months.

The starting premise is the increasing importance in recent years of leaders’ summits and the “Coreper” meetings of ambassadors who prepare those gatherings and keep diplomacy ticking between them, relative to other ministerial meetings.
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"El PCE que conocí no se parece en nada a la basura comunista de ahora"

Carlos Herrera y Federico Jiménez Losantos, moderados por Ana Rosa Quintana, protagonizaron este miércoles "Dos gallos que despiertan España", debate organizado por Unidad Editorial y el diario El Mundo y que se ha celebrado en el Espacio Bertelsmann. Al acto han acudido, entre otros, periodistas como David Jiménez, Arcadi Espada o Hermann Tertsch, o políticos como Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo y Pablo Casado.

Quintana, que sólo fue "a moderar", arrancó preguntándole a Jiménez Losantos por su pasado maoísta. "En España –respondió el director de Es la mañana de Federico, de esRadio– no había más que el Movimiento, que estaba parado, y el Partido, que estaba partido. Tengo sesenta años y eso me lo están recordando toda la vida". "El PCE que yo conocí –añadió– y su gente eran extraordinarios. No se parece nada a la basura comunista de ahora".
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Noticias de mi pueblo

Trump define su política exterior: proteccionismo económico y mano dura contra el yihadismo

The world is most peaceful and most prosperous when America is strongest. America will continue and continue forever to play the role of peacemaker. We will always help save lives and indeed humanity itself, but to play the role, we must make America strong again.
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Cuando la memoria hace más daño que bien

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The consequence of this is that remembrance as a species of morality has become one of the more unassailable pieties of the age. Today, most societies all but venerate the imperative to remember. We have been taught to believe that the remembering of the past and its corollary, the memorialising of collective historical memory, has become one of humanity’s highest moral obligations.

But what if this is wrong, if not always, then at least part of the time? What if collective historical memory, as it is actually employed by communities and nations, has led far too often to war rather than peace, to rancour and resentment rather than reconciliation, and the determination to exact revenge for injuries both real and imagined, rather than to commit to the hard work of forgiveness? / David Rieff is an American non-fiction writer and policy analyst. His books have focused on issues of immigration, international conflict, and humanitarianism. He has published numerous articles in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Le Monde, El Pais, The New Republic, World Affairs, Harper's, The Atlantic Monthly, Foreign Affairs, The Nation, and other publications
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El feminismo oculta la verdad sobre los hombres

When I started taking Women’s Studies classes 4 years ago, I was seduced by feminist ideology. Mentally tabulating my oppression cards became a hobby. Unfortunately, being steeped in feminism didn’t just make me blind to the truth about men—it made me actively resist learning about it.

Thankfully, while feminism taught me that women were on the losing side of everything—real life taught me that disadvantage is more nuanced than that.

Men are 4 times more likely to die by suicide. As schizophrenia is arguably one of the worst mental illnesses, men are also 2-3x more likely to fall ill to it. Research tends to concur that men are anywhere from 2-15x more likely to have autism. Men also are also twice as likely to develop alcohol addiction, which is a debilitating and destructive disease that has ramifications for everyone, including women and children.

Men, especially men of color, also tend to face prison at higher rates than women. According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, men constitute 93% of those locked up. Men also receive 63% longer prison sentences for comparable crimes.

Many people also say that “men are at The Top.” While it is true that many of the most powerful people are men, we must also recognize that men predominate at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder too. 62% of the homeless population is male. Men are also 9x more likely to die homeless. In my experience living in NYC, homeless males outnumber females sleeping on the streets by at least 10:1, sometimes by much more. Unfortunately, neither men’s issues nor homelessness are glamorous activist domains.

Additionally, 85% of black homicide victims are male. The last time I brought this up in a conversation, a white feminist scoffed and said “well that’s their fault,” which implied that victims of gang violence somehow deserved it. That’s similar to the victim-blaming we see with reference to rape. When men lose out, women lose out too. Many of these men are fathers, husbands, and sons. The tear in the social fabric when a community loses a man to gun violence or incarceration has devastating reverberations throughout everyone else’s life. / Toni Airaksinen is a sophomore student at Barnard College. She is a columnist for The Columbia Daily Spectator and she tweets @Toni_Airaksinen
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