dijous, 26 de maig del 2016

Tsipras continúa la política de sus predecesores: producir leyes y no aplicarlas

En una conferencia de prensa del líder de ALDE, el eurodiputado liberal Guy Verhofstadt, y del líder del partido europeísta y moderado griego Potami, liderado por el periodista Stavros Theodorakis, han pedido al gobierno griego y a las instituciones europeas abandanor la política del avestruz y mirar la realidad de cara. Sin un cambio real, Grecia nunca será capaz de mantenerse por si misma.

Verhofstadt: "The institutions oblige the Greek government to adopt laws that are never implemented. Tsipras is continuing the policies of his predecessors; produce laws, but fail to implement them. In the meantime nothing is done about corruption, making Greece more competitive or creating a society that can become more competitive and prosperous again. The clientelistic system continues to thrive. They are milking the cow, just like previous governments have done. I don´t see any difference."

“This has to stop. Greece will have to change, otherwise a break-up will be unavoidable.”
Video de la conferencia de prensa, aquí

El acuerdo sobre la deuda griega no resuelve el problema

EUOBSERVER.- Eurogroup participants said the outcome of Tuesday's (24 May) meeting was "a breakthrough", a "decisive agreement" and a "very important moment" in the Greek bailout programme. For the first time, the representative of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said, all Greece's creditors "recognise that Greek debt is unsustainable and that Greece needs debt relief".

Concrete measures were detailed to reduce the cost of debt repayment in the short and medium term, and "possible debt relief" was promised for the longer term. But the 2AM agreement is not so new and it is not decisive. It looks more political than a guarantee that Greece's debt problem is going to be solved.

"It's a face-saving exercise," a source told EUobserver.

Sources from different institutions admitted that all sides needed an agreement just before the G7 summit in Japan this week and to avoid a new Greek crisis at the same time as the British EU referendum and the Spanish election in June.

As a consequence, "the agreement is not credible," economist Zsolt Darvas told EUobserver.

Darvas, a senior fellow at the Bruegel think-tank in Brussels, said that the Eurogroup's statement was "not realistic" when it said that debt measures would "facilitate a gradual return to market financing" for Greece.
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