dilluns, 12 de desembre del 2016

La inteligencia americana dividida: el FBI y la CIA en desacuerdo sobre si Rusia interfirió en las elecciones

The CIA and FBI presented divergent cases to lawmakers when discussing Russia's intervened in the U.S. election.

A secret CIA assessment uncovered by the Washington Post Friday concluded that Russia intervened in the U.S. presidential election to help Trump win the White House.

The CIA was “direct and bald and unqualified” about Russia’s intentions to help Trump, officials who attended a House briefing told the Post.

However, an FBI official's presentation to the House Intelligence Committee was "fuzzy" and "ambiguous," the Post added. The CIA believes Russians hacked both Democratic and Republican organizations, though only documents from Democrats were leaked and published.

According to multiple reports, the FBI still hasn't confirmed whether the RNC or other Republican groups were hacked.

The Washington Post reports the FBI is not certain that Russia's interference in the election was a purposeful effort to alter the results.

During a meeting of the House Intelligence Committee, the CIA said it was sure of Russia's intentions in hacking Democratic party emails, but the FBI was less certain, The Post reported.

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