dissabte, 15 d’octubre del 2016

El regreso a la bipolaridad

La CIA prepara un ataque cibernético contra Rusia en represalia por su injerencia electoral

NBC NEWS.- The Obama administration is contemplating an unprecedented cyber covert action against Russia in retaliation for alleged Russian interference in the American presidential election, U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News.

Current and former officials with direct knowledge of the situation say the CIA has been asked to deliver options to the White House for a wide-ranging "clandestine" cyber operation designed to harass and "embarrass" the Kremlin leadership.

The sources did not elaborate on the exact measures the CIA was considering, but said the agency had already begun opening cyber doors, selecting targets and making other preparations for an operation. Former intelligence officers told NBC News that the agency had gathered reams of documents that could expose unsavory tactics by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Vice President Joe Biden told "Meet the Press" moderator Chuck Todd on Friday that "we're sending a message" to Putin and that "it will be at the time of our choosing, and under the circumstances that will have the greatest impact."

When asked if the American public will know a message was sent, the vice president replied, "Hope not."

ABC NEWS.- With tensions between Russia and the United States at their highest since the Cold War, there have been alarming signs coming out of Moscow that suggest the country is ready for war.

Almost no one believes the Kremlin is actually preparing for a military conflict with the United States. Most analysts instead see it as a show, intended to boost support at home and to deter Western countries from intervening militarily in Syria.

There are some unsettling things Russia has done, however, to give the impression that war is looming:

The CSIS Europe Program, in partnership with the Bulgarian Center for the Study of Democracy, recently concluded a 16-month study to understand the nature of Russian influence in five case countries: Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Latvia, and Serbia. This research determined that Russia has cultivated an opaque web of economic and political patronage across the region that the Kremlin uses to influence and direct decisionmaking. This web resembles a network-flow model—or “unvirtuous circle”—which the Kremlin can use to influence (if not control) critical state institutions, bodies, and economies, as well as shape national policies and decisions that serve its interests while actively discrediting the Western liberal democratic system. The United States can no longer be indifferent to these negative developments, as all members of NATO and the European Union must collectively recognize that Russian influence is not just a domestic governance challenge but a national security threat.
Descargue el informe "El Kremlin Playbook" (PDF)

THE GUARDIAN.- The Russian city of Oryol has inaugurated the country’s first ever monument to Ivan the Terrible, a 16th-century tyrant whose rehabilitation has been lobbied for by officials despite protests from historians and locals.

Tsar Ivan IV ruled Russia from 1547 to 1584 and earned the moniker “Terrible” due to his brutal policy of oprichnina, which included the creation of a secret police that spread mass terror and executed thousands of people.

The governor of Russia’s Oryol region, about 335km (200 miles) south of Moscow, has nonetheless backed the monument, saying during its inauguration on Friday that Ivan the Terrible “was a defender of our land, a tsar who expanded its frontiers”.

Standing before a crowd brandishing black and yellow imperial flags favoured by Russia’s nationalists, the governor, Vadim Potomsky, said Ivan the Terrible protected Russia and the Orthodox faith from its enemies.

The bronze monument, of a figure clad in royal robes sitting on a horse and holding up an Orthodox cross, was erected in the city of Oryol because authorities there say he founded the regional centre. Historians, however, deny he ever visited the area.

The monument was also backed by Russia’s culture minister, who has argued that Ivan the Terrible’s brutal rule is a myth and that his name was tarnished by western travellers who slandered him in their writings.

Lo predijo en 1835 Alexis de Tocqueville en los últimos párrafos del primer volumen de 'La democracia en América':

"Hay hoy en la tierra dos grandes pueblos que, partiendo de puntos distintos, parecen avanzar hacia el mismo fin: los rusos y los angloamericanos.

(...) El americano lucha contra los obstáculos que le opone la naturaleza; el ruso está en pugna con los hombres. El uno combate al desierto y a la barabarie; el otro, a la civilización revestida con todas sus armas; las conquistas norteamericanas se hacen con la reja del labrador, y las del ruso con la espada del soldado.

Para alcanzar su objetivo, el primero se apoya en el interés personal y deja que actúen , sin dirigirlas, la fuerza y la razón de los individuos.

El segundo concentra en un hombre todo el poder de la sociedad.

Uno tiene por principal medio de acción la libertad; el otro, la servidumbre.

Su punto de partida es diferente y sus caminos, distintos; sin embargo, cada uno de ellos parece llamado por un secreto designio de la Providencia a tener un día en sus manos los destinos de medio mundo."

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