dilluns, 23 de maig del 2016

Adivine qué profesión aparece con más frecuencia en los papales de Panamá

ZERO HEDGE.- With all the anti-one-percenter rhetoric and tax-evading-evil-doer narratives spewing forth from the mainstream media mouthpieces of the establishment since The Panama Papers were exposed for all to see, it may come as a surprise to some to find out which cohort of the elites are the most populous among the tax-haven-creating documents...

The Politicians!

Which makes us wonder if this leak was indeed a plot to blackmail/expose the West's ruling class?

Nevertheless, one thing is very clear, as Luis Guillermo Valez explains via PanamPost, officials are hypocritically denouncing the strategies they practice themselves...

Why can’t tax evasion be a legitimate form of self defense? In some countries and circumstances, it is.

Despite what politicians want us to believe, tax havens exist because some countries have been turned into tax hellholes by officials bent on “social justice” and “income redistribution.” Sometimes, those same politicians top the list of “offshore” account holders trying to evade taxes.
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